The 6th thing that might make you over-hungry

Picture of Dr. Jen Kerns

Dr. Jen Kerns

We’ve spent the past few weeks touching on various things that can decrease your overhunger and help tackle overeating without calorie counting, including limiting sugars and refined grains, adding in more proteinavoiding liquid caloriessleeping better, and eating foods rich in fiber and water to decrease caloric density.

I was about to move on to the next main cause of overeating and weight gain (overdesire) when I realized that there is one more high impact point that I should make about overhunger. And it’s that your meds (or recreational drugs) may be stimulating your appetite.

I previously wrote about this, so I invite you to revisit this blog post listing many of them. Not all actually stimulate appetite (some cause weight gain by decreasing your metabolism, for example), but many of them do act on our appetite centers/hormones and lead to overhunger. If you are on one of more of these drugs, be sure to discuss it with your healthcare provider! (Don’t stop any prescription meds on your own, as some are truly needed for health reasons and others can be dangerous to stop abruptly and need to be tapered off.)

I will always try to give away helpful tips and insights, so follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to stay up to date on my latest musings! Or if you’re interested in more personalized coaching help from me one-on-one, you can contact me at [email protected] to set up a free mini coaching session over Zoom.

Happy Friday! 😊
xo Jen




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